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Welcome to Eldon First Christian Church

Your Place to Connect With God

Please join us for worship service Sundays at 10:45 with Dr. Bill Foglesong. On the corner of Aurora & First Streets, 573-392-8282. Nursery provided.

About Our Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Pastor Dr. Bill Foglesong and his wife Lisa

Pastor Bill.jpg

Eldon First Christian Church is one of the leading congregations in the Eldon area. We are a vibrant congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for a quiet place to worship. Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.

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Prayer Requests

These are for prayers of thought and prayers for praise. Click below to be added to the list.

Bernice Adcock

Rob Armstrong

Evelyn Brumley

Ken Burkhart

Christopher Burns

Sharon Buster

Paula Sue Coffman

Betty Crouch

Jerry Duncan 

Roger Eads

Betty Facemeyer

Margaret Givens

Linda Greeson

Rhonda Harden

Phillip Hess

Gladys Kelley

Debbie Beard King

Linda McCreery

Dave Moyer

Jim Muff

Janelle O'Dell

Mary Plummer

Danny Portman

Dorothy Simpson

Verna Spencer

Judy Spriggs

Sandy West

Meg Wilkinson

Kathy Wrye

Janet Hatten

Nancy Niemeyer

Barbara Wood

Jon Lambeth


Carol Applebey

Trevor Burrows

Christine Chapman

Neil Edwards

John Eidson

Carlene Flaugher

Reba Foust

Ersa Franklin

Jean Gengler

Dennis Gibson

Skip Gillis

Wes Meyers

John Schupp

Paul Stevenson

Amy Wollock

Brenda Waters

Chrissy Banes

Harry Flaugher

Cindy Spencer

David Thompson & wife

Dennis Tompkins

Shirley Williams

Linda Christner

Rick Hendersen

Diane Henley

Laverne Mattern

Doug Partirdge

Tim Thorson

Amy Campbell

Kristi Dawson

Lesi Smith

AnnaRae Smalley

Vickie Graham

Prayer Requests

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